Phases of the retrofit project
In the first step of the project, we focused on the components that are installed identically several times in the plant. In addition to the controls of approximately 1,300 EMS vehicles, this also applies to the controls of the 48 load change stations distributed throughout the plant.
We carried out the modernization completely at one station as an example, as a “test balloon” so to speak. After several weeks of successful test operation, our partner Pentanova CS Nederland BV then converted the other stations one after the other.
For the EMS vehicles, we have developed and commissioned a new complete control system in cooperation with Conductix-Wampfler Automation GmbH. Berghof supplies the PLC incl. application software and Conductix-Wampfler is responsible for the casing and drive electronics. After the likewise successful test phase with ten new controls, Pentanova CS Nederland BV has started to gradually convert all further vehicles to the new technology.
The last part of the modernization is the replacement of the approximately 180 stationary PLC controls distributed over 22 control areas. The modernization plan coordinated with Pentanova CS Nederland BV began in 2019 with the conversion of the first control area. By the end of 2022, we will have equipped 15 control areas with new CODESYS V3.5 controllers.
After the remaining 7 control areas have been rebuilt, the entire plant will be equipped with new, modern PLC technology by the end of 2024.